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Davenant Foundation School, Chester Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 2LD
Telephone: 020 8508 0404
Fax: 020 8508 9301

We are in easy reach from various methods of transport.

Buses: 20, 677
Underground: Debden, Theydon Bois or Loughton. All on the Central Line.
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Enrichment - The Davenant Way

Oxford Dictionary definition for enrichment

Although the main focus of time spent in Sixth Form is on the A Level curriculum, in addition, we offer an extensive enrichment programme. Our aim for this programme is to broaden provision and access to accredited courses, help the students to gain invaluable work and volunteering experiences, enable them to enjoy activities outside of their academic studies and to provide opportunities to strengthen CVs and UCAS references. All of our Year 12 students will dedicate two hours a week, every Wednesday afternoon, to the programme.  Please see below to find out more!

Our enrichment programme is organised by Mr Bob Taylor, Head of Year 12.  If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact him via

Enrichment - FAQ  

  1. When does enrichment take place?
    Enrichment takes place periods 4 & 5 every Wednesday.
  2. How long does enrichment run for?
    It runs throughout the Autumn and Spring terms.
  3. Is enrichment compulsory?
    It is a compulsory programme that has been tailored to help you prepare for your post-18 options.
  4. What are my choices?
    The Davenant Enrichment programme includes different activities that range from sports programmes to learning a language to volunteering and work experiences. There is something for everyone. The programme has been tailored to suit everyone’s interests and to prepare you for your post-Sixth Form life.
  5. Can I choose two different programmes, one per term?
    There are one term and two-term programmes. If you choose a one term programme, you will need to choose two programmes. Please choose carefully, especially if you want to complete the EPQ project.
  6. What do I do if I have more questions?
    You can discuss any further questions with Mrs Bruce, Head of Year 12.




How long can I do it for?

When does it run?


First Team Sports: Rugby, Netball and Football

2 terms, not possible to do only 1

Autumn & Spring


Fitness Suite

1 term

Autumn & Spring

  Water Polo 1 term Autumn & Spring
  Basketball 2 term Autumn & Spring


Mandarin for beginners

1 or 2 terms

Autumn & Spring
  British Sign Language 1 term Autumn & Spring


Subject Mentors

1 term

Autumn & Spring


Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

2 terms from Spring

Spring & Summer Term


Primary School Placements

2 terms

Autumn & Spring


Nursing Home Placements

1 or 2 terms

Autumn & Spring



 2 terms

Autumn & Spring


Work Experience*

2 terms

Autumn & Spring

*Enrichment placements to be approved by Mrs Bruce


Primary School Teaching placements – 2 terms

Go in to local primary schools to help class teachers with tasks such as reading, IT skills, numeracy skills etc.  This would be a great option for those thinking of completing a degree in teaching. Local schools included in our scheme are: Thomas Willingale, Staples Road, Epping Primary & Theydon Bois. You are more than welcome to contact your local primary school to arrange a placement.


Nursing Homes – 2 terms

Read, play games, paint nails, chat, dance, play music, laugh and reminisce with residents in local nursing homes.  Perfect work experience for medicine courses.

Charity Shop placements & Volunteering – 1 or 2 terms, your choice

You are more than welcome to go in to your local charity shop or a charity and ask if they need any help on a Wednesday afternoon. You will need to confirm the name and location of the charity shop to Mrs Bruce.

Work experience

Opportunities to gain invaluable work experience. Essential for medicine, teaching and veterinary courses. Please have an idea of where you will take a placement if you choose this option. You will have to find the placement yourself.

IMPORTANT: All placements must take place during the allocated enrichment time on a Wednesday afternoon. You will receive visits to ensure you are happy in your placements and be asked to provide brief updates on the tasks you are undertaking. You may choose to attend a placement for 2 terms; or for 1 term and then choose a different placement; or a different activity within school.

With all placements within the community we obviously expect the highest level of commitment and enthusiasm. You will be representing Davenant and will be expected to behave accordingly. It will be unacceptable to commit to one of these activities and to then let the organisation down.


Mandarin for beginners – 1 or 2 terms 

We will take you through the basics of Mandarin.  Whether you would like to learn for travelling, work experience, to add to your CV or just for fun, these sessions are for you.


British Sign Language – 1 term

Sign Language is a visual means of communicating using gestures, facial expression, and body language.  Within Britain the most common form of Sign Language is called British Sign Language (BSL). You will follow an online course in groups to learn BSL. 


First Team Sports – 2 terms

Rugby (boys only): Training and regular fixtures for the rugby squad. If you are offering this activity for A-Level PE you may wish to consider this option.

Netball (girls only): Training and regular fixtures for the Netball squad. If you are offering this activity for A-Level PE you may wish to consider this option.

Football (both boys and girls teams): Training and regular fixtures for the football squad. If you are offering this activity for A-Level PE you may wish to consider this option.


Fitness Suite – Autumn and Spring Terms

Guidance in personal exercise plans from our fitness instructor Karen Everard. Karen will help you to write and follow a training programme designed to suit your individual needs. This option is available to all students and is a great opportunity for A-Level PE students to follow a tailored training programme.


Water Polo – Autumn and Spring Terms

Water Polo is a fun and energetic team sport.  It is great for fitness and teamwork.  Enrichment will involve technical drills and lots of matches.  Also an opportunity to represent Davenant against other schools.


EPQ - Extended Project Qualification

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) – Spring & Summer Term

An EPQ is a research-based project undertaken on any topic of the student’s choosing: it can be further extension of a subject being studied at A Level, a subject area the student wishes to study at university but which is not part of their school curriculum e.g. Medicine, or simply an area of personal interest unrelated to their other studies.

The Project itself can take several forms. In most cases the student will produce an extended essay of approximately 5,000 words. However, it is also possible for the Project to take the form of an artefact or object created by the student after extensive research.

The EPQ also carries UCAS points: 70 UCAS points are awarded to an A*, 60 to an A, 50 to a B, 40 to a C, 30 to a D and 20 to an E. The EPQ project is coordinated by Mr Midgley, please discuss any further questions with him before November 2023.


Subject Mentors – 1 or 2 terms

You may wish to be a mentor in your favourite subject. This would involve you speaking with subject teachers to arrange for you to go in to key stage 3 & 4 lessons on a Wednesday afternoon to help class teachers, mentor students in that subject and offer advice and guidance to students in the class. Again, perfect for those looking to enrol on teaching courses after A Levels or simply to keep in touch with a favourite subject.