Scheme of Delegation
Davenant Foundation School is a a single academy trust. It is a company limited by guarantee and is governed by Articles of Association and its Funding Agreement with the Department for Education. Please see links on the webpage to access these documents..
The Members comprise the signatories to the Memorandum of Association and those named under section 16 of the Articles. Their role is outlined in the Articles.
The Governing Body comprises governors under various categories as outlined in the Articles:
- 11 Foundation appointed by the Whitechapel Educational Foundation* to reflect the local ecumenical Christian community, ensuring that the Rector of Loughton is apointed in an ex-officio capcacity
- 3 Parents elected by the parent body (or appointed by the Governing Body if insufficient candidates)
- 3 staff elected by the Staff Body
- 2 appointed by the Governing Body
- Headteacher ex officio
* The Whitechapel Educational Foundation is an Educational Endowment regulated by a scheme under the Endowed Schools Acts and Section 17(3) of the Education Act 1944 and registered as Scheme No. 4843 S. The school of the Foundation is Davenant Foundation School.
The Governng Body has established a number of Committees who each operate under Terms of Reference agreed by the Board:
This enables business to be discussed in greater detail and reported back to the full Board for information or decision (depending on their powers). The Standing Committee comprises the Chairs of the other Committees and brings together Committee discussions to ensure business at the full board is ‘joined up’. Committee Terms of Reference are provided in the next link on the webpage.
These arrangements are reviewed periodically – the last review took place in 2014.