In Year Admissions
Davenant Foundation School is an oversubscribed secondary school and we are currently full in all our year groups. We accept in-year admissions for Years 7-11 if a vacancy occurs. The School maintains a Waiting List from those to whom we were unable to offer places in Year 7, and, who indicate in writing that they would like to remain on the Waiting List. In-year applications are processed and incorporated into the appropriate year according to our Admissions Policy.
To apply:
The procedure for applying for a mid-years place at an Essex School is to print off a secondary school mid-year application form below from the Essex County Council website, complete it and send it to any Essex School you believe may be suitable for your child. The Schools will reply to you and let you know if there is any possibility of a place being available.
As our Admissions Policy is based on attendance at a place of worship by one parent or guardian, on receipt of the Mid-Year Application Form we will send you a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to complete and return. This form asks for details of your place of worship and requests a referee to whom we can write to confirm your attendance. On receipt of the reference we would then add your child to the waiting list for the appropriate year.
Please read our Mid Years Admissions Arrangements and our Mid Years Notes for Guidance BEFORE completing and returning the Mid Years SIF.